Diversity & Social Justice Committee
The Diversity and Social Justice committee promotes awareness of and advocates for diversity and social justice through all aspects of IPA including:
- Identifying and developing diversity initiatives that support the growth of the organization and serve the needs of the public
- Creating an inclusive environment for psychologists and other mental healthcare professionals who identify as ethnic minorities and/or are from marginalized populations
- Promoting values of equality and justice
- Decreasing the gap in mental health disparities in the state of Iowa
- Increasing psychologists’ cultural competence via educational opportunities

Have a diversity-related question?
DSJ Diversity Graduate Student Award ($250)
This $250 award is meant to acknowledge and honor graduate student efforts toward promoting diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), and/or social justice. Self- and other-nominations are welcomed. Applications are due March 1st. The recipient will be announced at the awards ceremony during the Spring Conference.
Submission Process
To be eligible, the graduate student:
- Must be a member of the Iowa Psychological Association
- Be a DEI and/or social justice advocate through community involvement, volunteerism, or organizational involvement
- Advocacy could look like completion of an impactful project, research in DEI/social justice topics, planning of or participation in an event, or involvement in an DEI initiative, and/or other demonstrated history of community involvement
- Examples could include: volunteering with organizations supporting those who are housing insecure, advocating for more equitable and inclusive policies in their program or workplace, or being active in IPA’s Diversity and Social Justice Committee
Submission Process
To apply, submit the following materials:
- CV
- Letter of interest/nomination (500 words max) that clearly describe the following:
- Examples of the student’s DEI and/or social justice service (e.g., name of the organization(s) for which the student volunteered, populations that were served, frequency of service)
- How the student’s service benefited the target population or society
- What the student learned or gained from the experience
- One letter of support from a community member (e.g., advisor, supervisor, employer, mentor) that confirms the student’s DEI and/or social justice activities. This is in addition to the Letter of Interest/Nomination.
Upcoming Events
Join IPA as a student member to access professional development, mentorship, discounts on events, and a supportive community.

Diversity and Social Justice Resources
Federal, State, and Local
- 44 Mental Health Resources for Black People Trying to Survive in this Country
- 55 Mental Health Resources for People of Color
- APA Division 45, Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnicity, Race and Culture
- APA Division 52, International Psychology
- Project LETS
- Racial Equity Tools
- Therapy for Black Girls
- Therapy for Black Men
In Iowa
- APA Division 44, Society for the Psychological Study of LGBT issues
- APA Division 35, Society for the Psychology of Women
- APA Division 51, Men and Masculanity
APA Guidelines for working with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People - Trans Lifeline - suicide hotline and monetary support/guidance for name changes
- World Professional Association for Transgender Health
In Iowa
In Iowa
- ICCompassion services for immigrants
- Iowa Legal Aid
- https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/immigrants-in-iowa
- Mary J Treglia Community House - ESL classes, translation services, legal services (Sioux City)
- Diocese of Davenport Immigration Program
- Catholic Charities Immigration Legal Services (Dubuque)
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