One of IPA’s most important roles is to provide excellent education and advanced training programming for our members. We hold two conferences annually in the Spring and Fall, which feature national and local experts and provide both didactic and workshop training. These events also feature research presentations from Iowa undergraduate and graduate trainees in psychology. We collaborate with the Trust Insurance Programs to hold biennial Ethics workshops in Iowa. Additionally, members also host smaller educational “salons” to help promote education, consultation, and collaboration among members, which also provide more opportunities for psychologists in Iowa to earn CEs.
Continuing Education Requirements for Licensed Psychologists in Iowa
In Iowa, two kinds of continuing education are mandated for licensed psychologists, biennial compliance and mandatory reporter training. New licensees have different requirements.
Biennial Compliance
The biennial continuing education compliance period shall extend for a two-year period beginning on July 1 of each even-numbered year and ending on June 30 of the next even-numbered year. Each biennium, each person who is licensed to practice as a psychologist in this state shall be required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of continuing education. Hours of continuing education credit may be obtained by attending and participating in a continuing education activity. These hours must meet the requirements herein pursuant to statutory provisions and the rules that implement them. The Iowa Department of Public Health posts the full regulations for licensure in psychology.
Iowa law requires mandatory reporting training every 3 years for relicensure. Iowa’s Department of Public Health’s Abuse Education Review Panel has approved providers for mandatory reporter training and lists those providers on their website. The training is offered online free of charge and online. All training is conducted by DHS.
Those persons licensed for the first time shall not be required to complete continuing education as a prerequisite for the first renewal of their licenses. Continuing education hours acquired anytime from the initial licensing until the second license renewal may be used. The new licensee will be required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of continuing education per biennium for each subsequent license renewal.
Reciprocal Agreements
The IPA and the Kansas Psychological Association (KPA) have a reciprocal agreement for continuing education events. For more information, you can visit the KPA homepage and follow the continuing education link.
IPA Spring Conference Parent-Based Treatment for Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety and OCD
Eli R. Lebowitz, Ph.D.
West Des Moines, IA
Oct 7, 2022
IPA Fall Conference CFT in Practice: An Introduction to Compassion-Focused Therapy
Russell Kolts, Ph.D.
West Des Moines, IA
Oct 8, 2021
IPA Fall Conference The Role of Psychology in Addressing Pain and Related Opioid Dependence
Ravi Prasad, PsyD, Jennifer Kelly, Ph.D., ABPP, Daniel Bruns, PsyD
Jun 18, 2021
Sequence XI: Risk Management and Vulnerabilities: Yours, Mine, and Ours
Dr. Bryant, M.A., Ph.D.
Apr 9, 2021
IPA Spring Conference Introduction to ACT in Trauma Work
Robyn Walser, Ph.D.
Oct 10, 2020
IPA Fall Conference Praxis ACT II
Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D.
Apr 3, 2020
IPA Spring Conference Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D.
Oct 11, 2019
IPA Fall Conference Theory and Practice of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)
Donn Posner, Ph.D.., DBSM
Des Moines, IA
Jun 21, 2019
Trust Workshop Sequence VIIII: Ethics and Risk Management in a Digital World 2.0
Amanda D. Zelechoski, J.D., Ph.D.
Johnston, IA
Apr 12, 2019
2019 Spring Conference: Ethics in Telehealth and Integrating Technology in Practice
Dan Florell, Ph.D.
Johnston, IA
Oct 12, 2018
2018 Fall Conference: Recent Advances in the Assessment and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Terence Keane, Ph.D.
Des Moines, IA
May 20, 2018
The New Psychology of White Privilege and White Supremacy
William Liu, Ph.D.
Iowa City, IA
May 12, 2018
The Enhanced EPPP in Iowa: A Panel Discussion
Des Moines, IA
May 10, 2018
Assessing Capacity for Informed Consent in Clinical Settings
David Moser, Ph.D., ABPP-CN
Iowa City, IA
Apr 13, 2018
2018 Spring Conference: Impact and Treatment of Trauma in Psychological Practice
Johnston, IA
Oct 13, 2017
2017 Fall Conference: All About Sex
Des Moines, IA
Jun 23, 2017
The Trust Legal and Ethical Risks and Risk Management in Professional Psychological Practice Sequence VII: Working with Couples and Families, Risk Management with the Suicidal Patient, and Legal and Ethical Issues presented by Retirement
West Des Moines, IA
Oct 14, 2016
2016 Fall Conference: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Prioritizing Client Values and Empowering Clinicians to Work Effectively with Trauma Survivors
Des Moines, IA
Apr 7, 2016
Good Stuff: Generosity, Gratitude, Courage, Forgiveness, Love, 7 Hope
Johnston, IA
Sep 11, 2015
Celebrating Psychology in Eastern Iowa
Molly Nikolas, Ph.D.
Davenport, IA
Apr 10, 2015
Spring 2015 Conference: Mindfulness and Psychological Assessment in Primary Care: Integration, Research, and Practice
Pella, IA
Oct 10, 2014
Fall 2014 Conference: Trauma-Informed Interventions: An Overview of EMDR, DBT, Mindfulness, and Motivational Interviewing
West Des Moines, IA
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