2024 Phil Laughlin Award for Meritorious Service

2024 Phil Laughlin Award for Meritorious Service At the awards ceremony during the Iowa Psychological Association (IPA) Spring Conference in Cedar Rapids on March 23, 2024

2024 Phil Laughlin Award for Meritorious Service

At the awards ceremony during the Iowa Psychological Association (IPA) Spring Conference in Cedar Rapids on March 23, 2024, Dr. Benjamin Tallman was presented with the Phil Laughlin Meritorious Achievement Award. Many in attendance were moved in hearing both Dr. Tallman’s nomination and in his acceptance remarks. While his acceptance was offered extemporaneously at the ceremony, he was kind enough to reproduce his sentiments below.

First, IPA would like to publicly share Dr. Tallman’s nomination submitted by Alissa Doobay, Ph.D., Sam L. Graham, Ph.D., Sarah Fetter, Ph.D., Nicole Holmberg, Ph.D., Nicole H. Keedy, Ph.D., and Valerie J. Keffala, Ph.D., ABPP.

2024 Phil Laughlin Award for Meritorious Service At the awards ceremony during the Iowa Psychological Association (IPA) Spring Conference in Cedar Rapids on March 23, 2024

Dear Executive Council:

With great pleasure, we are honored to nominate Dr. Benge Tallman for the Phil Laughlin Meritorious Achievement Award. This award is “intended to honor an IPA member for outstanding service to the association.” Dr. Tallman is an incredibly fitting recipient for this award whose service to the association could not be fully captured within a reasonably concise nomination letter. It is our hope that this letter will at least partially communicate our wholehearted belief that he is more than amply deserving of this award. As his accomplishments have spanned multiple years and varied domains of service, this letter was written collaboratively to span his broad-reaching efforts for the association.

Dr. Tallman has been committed to IPA service from the start of his career and he has been active in IPA leadership since 2014. In fact, he was one of two members who were honored with the IPA Early Career Psychologist Award in 2019. His notable achievements for Iowa psychology highlighted in his nomination for the award by Dr. Doobay and Dr. Kauder included:

  • Creating postdoctoral and undergraduate training opportunities at St. Luke’s Hospital to promote psychology in Iowa
  • Creating new research and training opportunities for his students at Coe College
  • Beginning his tenure in IPA early as a graduate student
  • In his role as Treasurer, giving countless hours to IPA to assist in shifting from the imminent threat of financial instability to a financially thriving organization
  • Shifting directly from Treasurer to President-Elect to continue leadership in the association


Leading the development of the current IPA Strategic Plan with ambitious efforts to gain perspective from psychologists who were IPA members and non-members as well as psychology professors and students

Since that time, Dr. Tallman’s leadership has continued to influence IPA profoundly. He has participated in search committees for important positions, including Training Director and Executive Director. He has served on many standing committees, including longstanding and continued participation in the Strategic Plan and Finance committees. He has contributed his time to multiple workgroups that involved tasks such as establishing IPA’s mentor program and investment policies, engaging in the tedious yet vital process of updating IPA’s Policies and Procedures (P&P) Manual, as well as support the marketing/re-branding project.

The following context is offered to assist in fully appreciating the dedication involved in his willingness to transition from Treasurer to President-Elect in 2019. In 2017, a President-Elect had resigned and IPA was facing both financial and relational challenges. The organization was in need of leadership to bring stability to the organization. With encouragement from Dr. Bethe Lonning to consider running for a second term in the Presidential role, Dr. Sam Graham spent a few weeks considering the proposal and ultimately agreed to step into the President Elect role with President at the time, Dr. Molly Nikolas. He assumed the President role shortly thereafter with Dr. Warren Phillips serving as President-Elect. As Dr. Graham considered potential members to recruit to follow Dr. Phillips, the Executive Director at that time, Carmella Schultes, suggested Benge and spoke of his growing role in IPA in the spring of 2018.

One of Dr. Graham’s biggest priorities upon returning to leadership was to return the Presidential Triad to a group that functioned as a team who were united in the commitment to work together. He appreciated that Dr. Phillips and Dr. Tallman were both in agreement and willing to volunteer the requisite time and energy to move the Triad in that direction. Dr. Tallman committed many hours to meeting and forming the Triad as a team. This dedication was particularly notable as he was a young man with an infant and a toddler at home and he was serving as an important leader for psychology in Cedar Rapids. He calmly discussed and suggested solutions to the problems in IPA and his insights were very helpful in restoring the Triad as a productive group.

Dr. Tallman’s impact on the association was amplified as he guided the revamping of the IPA Strategic Plan by implementing his novel vision for creating a “living document” that evolves with changing goals of the association and its committees. This Strategic Plan has assisted IPA in identifying unifying themes, aligning committee goals with IPA’s primary values, and increasing accountability of IPA leadership toward actualizing those goals. His leadership in the strategic planning process is likely to have a positive impact on IPA for many years to come.

Dr. Tallman gracefully stepped into a role that extended well beyond that of a typical IPA President as he led the association during the height of the COVID pandemic, a time of national fear and grief, as well as a time of professional anxiety and uncertainty when members were relying heavily on IPA to provide them with news and advocacy. Dr. Keffala, who served as President-Elect at the time, recalled speaking with Dr. Tallman after the APA leadership conference to figure out how to respond to growing fears of the novel coronavirus – a truly new experience for an IPA President to navigate – and ultimately cancelling what was expected to be IPA’s most highly attended conference. Dr. Tallman thoughtfully assisted in making the decision to prioritize safety and he subsequently provided guidance in establishing new parameters as the organization shifted to providing valuable connection and training content in a suddenly (nearly fully) online world.

Amidst various tensions in the world of psychology and beyond, Dr. Tallman also recognized the importance and value of supporting creation of the Diversity Liaison role for Executive Council during his tenure in the Presidential Triad. This role was added to EC, with his enthusiastic support, during his Presidential year. 

Dr. Tallman has contributed to the strength and longevity of IPA leadership by recruiting talented early career psychologists to get involved in IPA. It is well known that Dr. Tallman thoughtfully supported and recruited multiple current IPA leaders to fill their committee and EC positions, including three authors of the current letter. He generously donated his time to talk to members considering running for President-Elect and provided consultation and mentorship with those who were elected during challenging times. For the past three years, many of us have heard the responded to a question asked in the EC Orientation meeting: “What inspired you to get involved in IPA leadership.” A repeated response, becoming essentially a source of humor at this point, has been some version of, “Benge persuaded me,” followed by gratitude for his encouragement and his ability to identify leadership potential.

Dr. Tallman has served as a visionary and a consistently enthusiastic mentor and leader in IPA. His leadership style has repeatedly served as an asset to IPA in advancing the organization’s growth. He is open to change, collaborates effectively with others to promote and facilitate change, and is encouraging and supportive of his teammates along the way. He is a great mentor, coach, and cheerleader, all in one. We have all appreciated the joy of serving the organization with Dr. Tallman a part of the team. He is clearly deserving of the recognition involved in receiving an award titled after a similarly influential IPA member, the Phil Laughlin Meritorious Achievement Award.

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Dr. Tallman’s remarks are shared here:
2024 Phil Laughlin Award for Meritorious Service At the awards ceremony during the Iowa Psychological Association (IPA) Spring Conference in Cedar Rapids on March 23, 2024

It is truly a wonderful honor to receive the Phil Laughlin Meritorious Achievement Award. Words cannot fully describe the gratitude and love that I feel toward the letter writers and my IPA colleagues. IPA has been my professional home for many years and it has been a privilege to serve alongside so many talented psychologists and humans. I have served in IPA leadership because of the love I have for my colleagues and for all Iowans. One of my core values is to serve others, especially individuals from disenfranchised or marginalized backgrounds. There continues to be a tremendous need for mental health services in Iowa and we need to continue pursuing new initiatives to advocate for the science and practice of psychology in our great state.

There are several areas that are critically important for the future of psychology to continue to evolve in Iowa. One such area is the IPA training program. We must continue to recruit, train, and retain psychologists to live and work in Iowa. We have had a great deal of success in creating a Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program and more recently the Cy-Hawk Region of the National Psychology Training Consortium (NPTC) to train pre-doctoral interns. It’s my belief that the future of Psychology in Iowa rests largely on IPA’s ability to grow and expand pre-doctoral internship and post-doctoral fellowship opportunities. The Cy-Hawk Region recently matched with several interns which is a huge milestone and a critical important step to achieve APA accreditation. Congratulations! To grow additional training initiatives, it will be important for IPA and IPF (Iowa Psychological Foundation) to collaborate to secure additional grants and funding streams to support future trainees and trainee sites. The future of psychology in Iowa starts with trainees and early career psychologists! If you have interest in creating training opportunities or being engaged in training initiatives for pre-doctoral interns or post-doctoral fellows, please reach out to Dr. Matt Cooper, IPA Training Director, or Dr. Warren Phillips, Cy-Hawk Region Training Director.

We can always do more in how we serve our communities and those we love and care about. Our time is valuable and we all live very busy lives. We all engage in avoidant/mindless activities (I like to watch Beach Front Bargain Hunt Renovation) and this is sometimes necessary to give our minds a break from our busy lives. With that said, there is always something that we can cut from our lives and add an activity that fills us up, is meaningful, and is consistent with our goals or values. I would encourage, or even challenge you, to consider serving on an IPA committee or assisting with an IPA initiative, even if it is only for a few hours per month. There is a core group of IPA members who wear multiple hats, and we are always looking for additional assistance from IPA members. Here is a link to information on IPA committees. I appreciate you all considering ways to serve!

I want to also acknowledge and express gratitude to my friend and colleague, Phil Laughlin. It such a honor to receive an award named after someone who you admire, respect, and love. In the past I have referred to Phil as one of the “Godfathers” of psychology in Iowa and this still holds true. I enjoy getting e-mails and talking with Phil about his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I also learned from Phil how to work the back of a room during a conference and gently (sometimes strongly) encourage someone to pursue a leadership position in IPA. Phil was always working behind the scenes trying to convince someone they had the skills and talents to step into a new and potentially uncomfortable position. Phil helped me believe in myself and when my own expectations got in the way of me believing that I could succeed in IPA leadership. I now try to support and encourage my fellow colleagues to take a similar path by serving IPA, and sometimes I must convince them that they have what it takes to do the job. Thank you Phil!

Again, I’m truly grateful to be honored by my colleagues and I’m flattered by the kind words of my letter writers. Thank you for all for your support and for being a strong presence in my life and for your continued dedication to IPA and to all Iowans. I want to thank God and Jesus Christ as all the glory of this award belongs to them. I also want to thank my parents, who both worked in helping professions, for their love, support, and instilling the importance of faith and service in my life. Last, I want to thank my wife, Gisele, who has been by my side through thick and thin. I certainly would not be receiving this award (or have received my psychology degree) without her love and unfailing support.

Again, thank you all and may God be with you!


2024 Phil Laughlin Award for Meritorious Service At the awards ceremony during the Iowa Psychological Association (IPA) Spring Conference in Cedar Rapids on March 23, 2024

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Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment: IPA Fall Conference 2023

Greg Lengel

Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment: IPA Fall Conference 2023

Greg Lengel

With traditional clinical assessment, clinicians are often guided by the question, “What do I want to know?” As psychologists, we can tend to prioritize own interests and goals when determining an assessment’s purpose as well as the questions we attempt to answer. In doing so, we can overlook the client’s interests and priorities. It’s much less common for a clinician to revise the question of “What do I want to know?” to “What do you want to know?,” and focus the assessment around what is personally meaningful to the client. Additionally, traditional clinical assessment tends to prioritize the identification of what’s “wrong” with the client. However, our client’s interests are often not limited to insights into what is wrong; they also have an interest in identifying their strengths and adaptive traits.

Moreover, it can be easy for clinicians to overlook what it is like to be “in our client’s shoes,” and recognize just how unnerving and intimidating an assessment can be. Think about it—some mysterious person is asking several mysterious questions, administering a series of mysterious measures and tasks with mysterious activities and items–all the while, providing limited feedback along the way. This uncertainty can make assessment a frightening and overall negative experience for our clients, which can potentially have an adverse impact the on the quality and accuracy of the collected data as well as the quality of the relationship with the client.

In light of this, Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment (C/TA) offers a refreshing change to the traditional clinical assessment approach. C/TA is a brief, collaborative intervention that helps clients gain insight about themselves as well as how they might address their problems in living. C/TA is co-directed by the clinician and client and prioritizes the client’s experience and observations. This type of intervention can elevate traditional assessment and build collaboration with our clients, ultimately fostering healing and personal growth.

I was first exposed to C/TA during my doctoral training, and was instantly intrigued and excited by the approach. What I particularly appreciate about C/TA is that it is a highly collaborative, client-centered approach that facilitates rapport building between the assessor and the client. This positive relationship can enhance the overall assessment experience and outcomes. It also identifies and leverages the client’s strengths along with identifying problems. This provides a much more balanced feedback for the client as well as additional ways the client might address their problems in living, and it can enhance client outcomes.

That said, C/TA can potentially be challenging to incorporate into one’s practice. For instance, C/TA can be time-consuming and requires training and skill development to effectively utilize. Additionally, I know for me personally, the thought of navigating how to bill and be reimbursed for C/TA was quite intimidating, and I was uncertain on how I could realistically incorporate C/TA into my practice on a regular basis. As a result, my use of C/TA decreased significantly after graduate school, when I no longer had the resources and freedoms that came with practicing in a training clinic.

As one can imagine, when IPA revealed the theme for the fall 2023 conference, I was thrilled to learn that its emphasis would be C/TA. Having drifted away from using C/TA in my clinical work, I hoped that this training would reinvigorate my interest in C/TA as well as inform me on how I can practically better incorporate C/TA into my practice. I am pleased to report that the conference was a complete success on these fronts.

In her training, Following the Breadcrumbs: The Basics of Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment and How it Can Enhance Clinical Practice, Dr. Krista Brittain provided invaluable insights into the essence and significance of C/TA, explained and demonstrated how C/TA can be incorporated into one’s practice, and also empowered attendees to enhance their clinical practices, and ultimately, benefit their clients through the use of C/TA. I especially appreciated how well Dr. Brittain introduced and explained the basics of C/TA in a clear and straightforward manner as well as how she reviewed the empirical literature supporting C/TA. I also enjoyed how she guided the attendees through each of the steps of C/TA in an engaging and interactive way. Ultimately, I left the conference with a renewed understanding of, and enthusiasm for, C/TA, and I was excited to see such a powerful and effective approach be introduced to the IPA community. I now have a much clearer vision on how I can effectively utilize C/TA.

I would also like to highlight that, in addition to engaging and useful trainings and workshops, I sincerely appreciate the fantastic opportunities that IPA conferences provide to connect and network with other clinicians, researchers, and students. It is always wonderful to catch up with friends and colleagues as well as meet new people. I’m excited about, and look forward to, attending future IPA events.

Check out other upcoming IPA trainings and events here

2023 Ann Ernst Public Service Award

Bethe Lonning being presented with the Ann Ernst Public Service Award

2023 Ann Ernst Public Service Award

At the IPA Fall Conference on October 6, Dr. Bethe Lonning was presented with the Ann Ernst Public Service Award. This award honors a psychologist who has made, on a pro bono basis, significant contributions of a psychological nature that have benefited society as a whole. The contribution(s) may have been a single major contribution or reflect a consistent history of volunteer service to the community at large.

Bethe Lonning being presented with the Ann Ernst Public Service Award

I want to thank Susan Barngrover for nominating me. She is unable to be here today as she is battling a serious illness and I wish her well. As I was thinking about what I could say today, I was thinking about the moving speech from Sally Oakes Edman this past spring and decided I couldn’t top that so I will simply say thank you to IPA for giving me the opportunity to serve this profession. Thank you all.

Dear Committee Members,

I am writing to nominated Elizabeth Lonning Psy.D. for the Ann Ernst Public Service Award for 2023.

Let me first give you some background about my association with Bethe. I am a practicing psychologist in Missouri wishing to return to my Iowa roots to gain my RxP supervision, but despite Bethe’s encouragement and mentorship over the last 5 years including going before the state board, I was unable to meet the criteria as a seasoned psychologist (more than 5 years since graduation). Bethe never gave up and it’s the spirit of helping Iowans improve their psychological care that has driven her vision. 

She has been an outstanding advocate for Iowans over the last 20 plus years in the prescription movement. In 2002, when she attended the APA’s Practice Leadership Conference she began to model Iowa’s RxP legislation after that of New Mexico’s. She surveyed the membership twice (before the luxury of tools like survey monkey existed) to gauge their support. Despite the lack of enthusiasm, Bethe continued to sponsor RxP education at the annual IPA conferences to advance its utility and garnered grass roots support by her unflagging dedication and belief to the principles that psychologists can provide more comprehensive care to their patients through a broadened scope of practice.

Dr. Lonning has spent her career promoting the passage of RxP and helped draft the legislation from 2013 to 2016 when it finally passed. She then served on the joint administrative body of the BOM and BOP to establish rules for practice by 2019.   Bethe, never leaves a job undone as proven recently when the governor signed into law the new legislation to broaden the definition of supervisor so that those trained could find an appropriate site as well doing away with the rule that you must graduate in the last 5 years to be eligible.

Dr Lonning has a long track record of public service to Iowans and the psychologists who serve them. Currently, she continues to serve Iowa’s psychologists as Director of Professional Affairs from 2021 to the present. She has held numerous appointments including Regional Chair for APA Public Education campaign 1997-1999, Membership Chair 1999-2004, Psychopharmacology Education Committee Chair 2004-present and a multitude of positions as a representative to APA including the executive council.  She is active in APA on numerous appointments. She continues to advance Iowa psychology and has coordinated the alliance between NMSU and Iowa psychologists receiving their advanced training. In addition, she has worked diligently to begin the post doctoral psychopharmacology program at Drake.

In addition, she continues to run and oversee a busy practice in Davenport all while continuing to promote psychology by serving on numerous other public boards including those who represent Victims and  underserved populations. She has received numerous awards from APA: Outstanding State Contribution Award 2017, Outstanding Psychologist of the Year 2016 and the Karl F. Heiser Advocacy Award 2016. Finally she received IPA’s Meritorious Achievement Award in 2006.

Speaking for the many people whose lives have been enhanced from their personal care and association with Dr. Bethe Lonning including psychologists, patients and Iowa communities, I heartily recommend her without reservation for the 2023 Ann Ernst award. In sum, Dr. Lonning has displayed her resolute commitment to the promotion of Psychology and the many people who have benefitted from her tireless care.

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Bethe Lonning being presented with the Ann Ernst Public Service Award
Dr. Tallman’s remarks are shared here:

I want to thank Susan Barngrover for nominating me. She is unable to be here today as she is battling a serious illness and I wish her well. As I was thinking about what I could say today, I was thinking about the moving speech from Sally Oakes Edman this past spring and decided I couldn’t top that so I will simply say thank you to IPA for giving me the opportunity to serve this profession. Thank you all.

Congrats again to Dr. Lonning for her well-deserved recognition! Please continue to consider other worthy recipients of all of the IPA Awards.

On TikTok University, Therapeutic Assessment, and the IPA Fall Conference

Krista M. Brittain, Psy.D.

On TikTok University, Therapeutic Assessment, and the IPA Fall Conference

Krista M. Brittain, Psy.D.

When was the last time you got a new referral who had seen five therapists in recent years but didn’t feel like any of the clinicians really “got” them or helped them feel better? Or how about  worked with someone who checked their symptoms with Dr. Google or was taking some “classes” at TikTok University? We see folks with these types of experiences every day, and it might seem tempting to roll our eyes or sigh deeply at yet another person who has lived with their pain for so long or hearing about another self-diagnosis/TikTok-diagnosis of autism, DID, or another diagnosis de jour. Through the lens of Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment (C/TA), these presenting concerns provide a chance to invite data from all sources into the room…believe it or not, even TikTok. When clients/patients come in seeking care, we can create a rich opportunity to deepen a person’s curiosity, increase their ability to understand their strengths and problems in living, develop new narratives about themselves and their life, and support meaningful change in just a few sessions.

If you haven’t completely written this off based on my generous acceptance of so-called “TikTok data,” thank you. And I’ll take this opportunity to remind you of the chance to learn more about C/TA at IPA’s upcoming fall conferenceFollowing the Breadcrumbs: The Basics of Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment and How it Can Enhance Clinical Practice. You may be thinking, “I do therapeutic assessment!” or wondering what C/TA is and how it’s different from traditional assessment. You may also be curious about how this semi-structured assessment method could enhance your practice, especially if your practice is more (or entirely) therapy focused. Or, if you’re a carb-lover like me, you may even have noticed your stomach rumbling at the mention of bread. While I can’t help you with a snack in this moment, I’m delighted to share a bit about my presentation at the upcoming conference, C/TA, and why (besides the snacks) it might be worth your while to spend the day together, learning and connecting as we engage our curiosity together. 

As a basic introduction, Therapeutic Assessment (TA) just celebrated its 30th birthday and is the only assessment method with empirical support as an efficacious stand-alone intervention resulting in many positive outcomes, including decreased ODD, personality, relational, and emotional symptoms; decreased distress; increased hope; better compliance with future treatment (Finn, Fischer, & Handler, 2012). In practice, or C/TA uses traditional assessment tools in both typical and creative ways. We use all kinds of techniques to do therapy (e.g., sand trays, walk-and-talk, movement, art) and C/TA embraces a similar creativity and diversity in the assessment process. Imagine having a teen and their parents play with blocks during an assessment appointment! Sounds fun, right? During the conference, you’ll see many examples of how tests, data, and a few new techniques that extend the potential of traditional assessment tools can be used to invite clients to follow the “trail of breadcrumbs” they’ve left behind throughout the assessment process. This can range from exploring perfectionism through an Extended Inquiry of the WAIS’s Similarities subtest to re-reading a person’s Rorschach responses in search of meaningful imagery. I hope you will be moved, as I often am, to discover how following the breadcrumbs in these ways can produce deeper, richer self-understanding and begin to inspire new narratives for the people we meet in the work. 

Because becoming curious together allows for new ways of seeing and being through the assessment process, the values and tools of C/TA can be applied in so many of the contexts in which we are engaged: therapy, assessment, supervision, outreach, etc. So, what does this look like in “real life?” Well, for example, each C/TA begins by working with the client(s) to create a list of assessment questions, the questions they are hoping to answer and the things they are hoping to learn through the assessment process. Thus, this approach can also be applied (quite helpfully!) to both therapy and supervision processes. Additionally, through a C/TA lens, it is possible to creatively utilize assessment tools as tools for therapy as we half-step clients toward meaningful psychological change. Furthermore, C/TA provides a framework for multicultural and cross-cultural assessment practice (Rosenberg, Almeida, & Macdonald, 2011), which is a must-have in your clinical tool-belt. Especially in this way, the values and practices of C/TA extend past the assessment arena and into all areas of practice and everyday life to support more affirming relationships.

So, if you think it might be nice to have tools for welcoming data from Dr. Google and TikTok University into the room, look no further! (Perhaps data is data?) And if you like the idea of spending a day connection, learning, shifting, exploring, playing, and leaning into curious, creative, vulnerable assessment journeys, the IPA fall conference is for you! (If you’re into other things, don’t despair, it may still be for you!) Through the conference and C/TA, I hope that you will find a sense of inspiration and renewal—of skills, ideas, relationships, and much more. I’m so looking forward to sharing the time and experience with you, snacks (more than breadcrumbs) included. 

Finn, S. E., Fischer, C. T., & Handler, L. (2012). Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment: A casebook and guide. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

Rosenberg, A., Almeida, A., & Macdonald, H. (2012). Crossing the cultural divide: Issues in translation, mistrust, and cocreation of meaning in cross-cultural therapeutic assessment. Journal of Personality Assessment94(3), 223–231. https://doi.org/10.1080/00223891.2011.648293

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Presidential Update Summer 2023

Nic Holmberg

Presidential Update Summer 2023

Nic HolmbergIPA’s mission is to promote the science and practice of psychology for the benefit of all Iowans. Our volunteer leaders and paid contractors have been working hard in 2023 to carry out that mission in alignment with our 2021-2024 Strategic Plan. I’d like to take a moment to highlight some of the important developments from the first part of the year and the people who have been generously donating their time and energy for all our benefit.

Education and Training

IPA’s Training Director, Dr. Matt Cooper, has spearheaded the effort to expand the number of internship and postdoc training sites in Iowa. He reports that Iowa has retained 100% of postdoc trainees over the last three years! He is working hard to establish a training consortium, which will increase the number of internship sites available in Iowa. This consortium will be a new region of the National Psychology Training Consortium, which has three regions in the US and trains an average of 70 interns per year. He expects the number of predoctoral interns in Iowa to double in the next 5-10 years. This bodes well for increasing the number of psychologists in Iowa because many students at ISU and U of I would like to stay in Iowa but historically have struggled to find training sites in state.

The Program Planning Committee held a successful Spring Conference and is preparing for the Fall Conference. This October 6th, we will be welcoming IPA’s own Dr. Krista Brittain who will present Following the Breadcrumbs: The Basics of Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment and How It Can Enhance Clinical Practice at the West48 conference center in West Des Moines. Later that month, IPA’s Diversity and Social Justice Committee will be hosting Dr. Allison Momany who will present Gender Identity and Expression in Neurodiverse Youth on October 27th (registration will open very soon!).

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

I have some bittersweet news to share regarding our Diversity Liaison and Diversity and Social Justice Committee (DSJC). Dr. Joy Goins-Fernandez is resigning from IPA leadership as of August 31st to pursue a new professional role. She served as Interim Diversity Liaison in 2020 and was elected to the role in 2021 and has been serving since then. She has also been closely involved with the DSJC since 2016 and formally served as chair and co-chair until 2022. She was a key voice in creating and updating our Social Justice Policy that delineates procedures for how IPA addresses social justice issues and in adding a statement to our website that communicates the association’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. She and the DSJC created a Graduate Student Diversity and Social Justice Award to recognize IPA student members for community-based social justice projects. She also started the DSJ Book and Film Club. IPA is a more informed and multiculturally aware organization because of Dr. Goins-Fernandez’s efforts. I cannot thank her enough for the significant impact she has had on IPA and its members, as well as the Iowans they serve.

As hard as it is to let Dr. Goins-Fernandez go, I am thrilled to say that the Executive Council approved Dr. Jennifer Kauder to serve as Interim Diversity Liaison for the remainder of the year. I am grateful for Dr. Kauder’s willingness to step into this important role and am confident she will excel in it. Dr. Kauder has previously served as IPA Treasurer and DSJC member.

Building Connections and Community

The Spring Conference featured a student poster session during which graduate and undergraduate students presented their research. It was heartwarming to see all the engaging conversations the students were having with conference attendees. There was also an impromptu pizza party held Friday night of the conference. Our Executive Director, Suzanne Hull, and Dr. Nicole Keedy’s husband and daughter, Morgan and Naya, helped gather supplies and arrange the food. Seeing attendees connect and laugh with one another was incredibly rewarding.

Our IPA Representative, Dr. Ashley Freeman, assisted by Dr. Sarah Fetter, has coordinated additional opportunities for IPA members to connect with one another. They have organized two socials in West Des Moines; the first was in May and was well attended, and the second is scheduled for September 14th at 5 p.m. at The Hall. All IPA members are invited, as are your non-IPA psychologist friends. Please invite them to tag along and see how much fun IPA is!

The Early Career Psychologist Committee and chair Dr. Maggie Doyle also organized a couple of social events in June. Early in the month, they held a gathering at Jethro’s BBQ in the Des Moines metro. Dr. Jenna Paternostro extended an invitation to an ECP Committee-sponsored family-friendly strawberry picking event at the Berry Basket Farm in Iowa City.

I believe efforts such as these, as well as other strides made by our Membership Committee, have positively impacted the sense of professional community and connection among members. You can read more about how our Membership Committee has been successful at increasing membership here.

I also want to thank Dr. Jenna Paternostro for heading up the Marketing Consultant Workgroup. This group is assessing the feasibility and process of updating the IPA logo and making our website more user-friendly and accessible. This group is composed of folks from the Membership, WEB, and Finance Committees. I think we will all benefit from this much-needed project.


Our Advocacy Team achieved some important wins for psychology this legislative session: $10 million increase in Medicaid mental health rates, a total of $35 million increase in substance use treatment funding from state and federal sources, continued funding of the internship program, banning non-compete clauses in mental health professional contracts, preventing PsyPACT from coming to Iowa, and removal of some barriers to becoming a prescribing psychologist in Iowa. It should be noted that this is an especially significant triumph for Dr. Bethe Lonning, who has been a tireless champion of RxP since 2006.

The Advocacy Team’s achievements are particularly noteworthy because, as some of you may know, we did not have a State Advocacy Coordinator (SAC) this year. Thankfully, our current representative to APA’s Council of Representatives, Dr. Paul Ascheman, who served as IPA’s SAC for many years, worked double duty performing many of the duties of the SAC. Serving in these two roles, in addition to having a career and family, was a generous but unsustainable contribution to IPA. The SAC is a crucial role for IPA and professional psychology practice, and unfortunately, we do not yet have a candidate willing to run for SAC in the next IPA Executive Council election. If this is something you would consider or would like to learn more about, please contact me.

Financial Stability

Our Treasurer, Dr. Sarah Fetter, and Finance Committee members Drs. Benge Tallman and Dan Courtney have been thoughtfully exploring ways of making IPA’s investment account work better for us to further solidify IPA’s financial health. Dr. Fetter is also collaborating with members of IPA’s Advocacy Team and APA to apply for an APA Legislative Grant to supplement the 2024 budget.

I am incredibly grateful for and proud of all that IPA leadership is doing for the membership. The association could not function if not for the generous donation of time and energy of its members. If you’ve enjoyed the many benefits you receive as part of your IPA membership, please consider contributing to the efforts that make those benefits possible. Many hands make light work, and many hands also create an engaged and fulfilling community.

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From Cows to Values Integrity: Takeaways from the IPA Spring Conference Day 2

Nicole Taylor

From Cows to Values Integrity: Takeaways from the IPA Spring Conference Day 2

This is the second of two blog posts detailing the Iowa Psychological Association’s two-day Spring Conference, which occurred April 28-29, 2023.

Nicole TaylorThe Iowa Psychological Association Spring 2023 conference was unlike any other professional meeting I had ever attended! I knew it would be a unique day as I drove to the event from my home in Des Moines. Navigating across parts of Iowa I had never visited with vast farmland and small-towns drifting by, I was deep in thought about the future of our state. Not far from the venue, I turned too early and encountered a herd of cows in a field, with beautiful rolling hills and tiny gravel roads in the distance. I definitely wasn’t in Colorado anymore!

My partner, two young children, and I moved back to Iowa last summer after having lived out of the state for more than half my life. I joined IPA as I started my private practice this past winter and was welcomed with open arms. I am so glad I decided to attend the spring conference to deepen my connection with IPA.

I could only attend the Saturday portion of the conference, so upon arriving early that morning, I walked into a room of unfamiliar faces. I chose the first table with an open seat and immediately felt a warm welcome from my tablemates. I was fortunate enough to have landed with Sarah Fetter, Katie Kopp, and Ashley Freeman. We immediately connected and shared stories, and by the end of the day, I had found a new group of friends. I am still in awe at the way that Iowans can seek to connect with others. “Iowa Nice” can indeed mean that people want to get to know you and truly value you for what you are bringing to the table. We formed deep and authentic connections that day, and I am truly grateful.

A mid-career transition, major cross-country move, and job shifts were all front of mind when I saw that the conference theme was “Values, Burnout, and Finding Work-Life Integrity.” I was excited and decided to attend. Dr. Jenna Lejeune asked us to think about why we were attending the conference and what values we wanted to embrace. She evoked thoughtful introspection in the first few minutes, and I was all in!

Here are a few of my favorite takeaways from the experience:

  • Dr. Lejeune led us through a burnout scale and spoke about how most interventions only target the exhaustion element of burnout, while ignoring the disconnection and reduced personal achievement elements. Typical self-care ideas like going on vacation increase our disconnection from others and can end up exacerbating burnout.
  • Instead, “Caring well for ourselves is how we can care better for others.”
  • Throughout the day, she helped us distill our chosen values to establish meaning in the present. The idea that “Having unclear values allows us to lose contact with what is important to us,” was powerful and transformative for me.
  • She shared, “Meaning is constructed in moments where we are connected with what matters, in contact with a life we would define as a life worth living.”
  • These ideas deepened my understanding of living in accordance with my values and moved me away from just thinking about the valued domains of my life (e.g., family and health). I do more thinking now about how to BE present in those domains instead of just realizing that they are important to me. “Valued domains are the arenas where our actions play out.”
  • Dr. Lejeune shared that values are always immediately available to us. We can always take a step toward our values. The directionality is important, not the end point.
  • Embracing spaciousness allows us to move toward values.
  • Experiential avoidance predicts more mental health struggles.
  • Certain relationships bring out our values. Partnerships don’t have to be perfect but can be like salt to chocolate, just a little sprinkle of salt to enhance the flavor of chocolate…find someone who is the salt to your chocolate.
  • At the end of each day, when did you feel most alive? What do you like being? What days do you like who you are? Start with the value, then craft a life where that is supported. Values can guide you to a more meaningful and sustainable life.
  • Move towards values integrity. “Balancing acts are always precarious and the person on the losing end is you.” Values create a bridge across all areas of our lives.

For more on any of this, I recommend Dr. Jenna Lejeune’s book (with co-author and partner Dr. Jason Luoma), Values in Therapy: Helping Clients Explore Values, Increase Psychological Flexibility, and Live a More Meaningful Life.

What was truly the most unique part of the day for me was when Dr. Lejeune asked for a volunteer to role play with her. I slowly held up my hand, excited to have the chance to learn more from her and gain some insight. As I sat in front of the room, I was able to be vulnerable and present with Dr. Lejeune and nothing about her approach felt like a technique or exercise while I was in the moment.

I shared an experience of hiking with my family and enjoying being fully present with my children. After that role play, we worked with some values card sorts. Through both of those activities, Dr. Lejeune helped me distill my core values, and she developed the phrase “gentle badass” to summarize what was important to me. I can be compassionate, gentle, kind, and loving while still challenging the status quo and embracing social justice.

Over the past month, I have thought about my experiences at the conference so many more times than any other professional conference I have attended. Though the day started with a wrong turn into a farm, I left with a sense of groundedness and direction in my career and values that will guide me for years to come. Thank you to the organizers of the conference, especially Dr. Nic Holmberg, for putting together such a lovely and connecting experience.

-Your resident gentle badass, Nicole Taylor-Irwin, PhD

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Spring Conference Day 1

Barazanji Danah

Spring Conference Day 1

This is the first of two blog posts detailing the Iowa Psychological Association’s two-day Spring Conference, which occurred April 28-29, 2023.

Barazanji DanahThe morning of IPA’s Spring conference likely had two “kick offs.” One was occurring being the scenes, where the conference planning committee headshot for Dr. Barazanjiwas creatively pivoting to respond to unforeseen challenges related to the resort’s amenities. My hat goes off to all those incredible individuals as they managed that kickoff with grace and innovation in order to deliver what was promised to attendees.

The second kickoff occurred when Dr. Nic Holmberg gave an opening statement, acknowledging this unexpected turn of events while also encouraging attendees to open their hearts with grace and patience. It was as if these external circumstances provided us all with an opportunity to immediately put the philosophy of the presentation into application, calling on us to practice loving kindness, acceptance, and detachment
from our rigid expectations.

Dr. Fadel Zeidan immediately followed Dr. Holmberg with statements of sincere gratitude and excitement to be together for the day. We started our conference with an introductory breathing practice which would put us in the right headspace for multiple mindfulness opportunities throughout the day.

Friday’s presentation was entitled, “The Neuroscience of Mindfulness-Based Meditation: An Integration of Science and Practice.” As a psychologist myself I ironically find my greatest challenge is to clearly define terms I use almost everyday (e.g., What is trauma?; What is mindfulness?; What is pain?). Dr. Zeidan was so effective at simplifying these concepts in a way anyone could understand while also intertwining those definitions with sophisticated scientific research. Dr. Zeidan was a very compelling presenter. He had endless information and knowledge to share and could seamlessly pivot and transition to respond to a variety of questions from the room. His lab’s research spans multiple topics, and this left me wishing we could have three more days to learn about all he had to offer.

Dr. Zeidan taught us about state versus trait mindfulness. He provided exciting research-based conclusions that one can teach trait, dispositional mindfulness through cultivating small contemplative practices in one’s day. Attendees learned about the Default Mode Network in the brain and how mindfulness can alter this and other networks in ways that reduce stress, depression, immune functioning, etc. A large portion of his research centered on the utilization of mindfulness as a treatment for pain, which has major ramifications for our society as it grapples with the opioid crisis.

There is a certain kind of magic that occurs when you attend a conference where the presenter is both a prolific scientist as well as genuinely interpersonal. This, paired with the content of the presentation, the “set and setting,” and the cooperative weather all intersected to create a memorable day of connection amongst colleagues. The intention behind IPA’s Spring Conference was to provide practitioners with an opportunity to engage and connect through self-care while learning evidence-based practices. Simply put, the intention was beautifully executed.

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2023 Spring Conference Awards Ceremony

IPA water inspired pattern

2023 Spring Conference Awards Ceremony

Several awards were presented on April 29, 2023 during lunch at the Spring Conference. Read on to learn more about the well-deserved recipients.
Phil Laughlin Meritorious Achievement Award

Dr. Bethe Lonning and Dr. Warren Phillips reading their nominations for Dr. Sally Oakes EdmanYou know that a candidate is deserving of an award when two fellow psychologists both decide to nominate her at the same time. That was the case this year when both Dr. Bethe Lonning and Dr. Warren Phillips submitted nominations for Dr. Sally Oakes Edman. Their nomination letter:

We would like to nominate Dr. Sally Oakes Edman for IPA’s Phil Laughlin Meritorious Achievement Award. This award is given to an IPA member for outstanding service to the association. While all lPA members are eligible for this award, the member must not be currently serving on the IPA EC. As you will soon learn, this means there have only been windows of opportunity prior to now for her to be nominated.

Dr. Oakes Edman is an Iowa native having graduated Magna Cum Laude in Psychology from Luther College in Decorah. She then went on to the University of Notre Dame receiving her Master’s degree in Psychology and her PhD in Counseling Psychology with a specialty in Marriage and Family Counseling. After completing her clinical internship in Connecticut, she returned to Indiana where she worked as a staff psychologist for a couple of years before returning to Iowa.

Once back in Iowa, she engaged in private practice work and became the Director of Counseling for Waldorf College in Forest City, IA. In 1995, after 6 years in Forest City, Dr, Oakes Edman relocated to Decorah Iowa where she became a clinical psychologist for the Mayo Clinic, Decorah Clinic. In 2003, she became a clinical psychologist for the Student Counseling Service at Northwestern College in Orange City Iowa and in 2004 she became the Director of that clinic. She was also the Wellness Center Director at Northwestern College from 2007-2010.

While doing her clinical work, she was also an adjunct faculty member at Northwestern College and an Assistant Professor at both Luther College and Waldorf college. Dr. Oakes Edman taught a variety of courses in these roles including supervising student research and independent studies.

Dr. Oakes Edman has numerous presentations, workshops and educational programs to her name as well as several publications to her credit.

So, you’re reading this now and thinking, what’s the big deal? Here’s the big deal and why Dr. Oakes Edman is deserving of this award. She returned to Iowa in the summer of 1989 and by 1994, she was already serving IPA in the role of Secretary of Division 1 (the Clinical Practice Division) of IPA. Also, while serving in this role, she was the Council Representative to IPA Executive Council from 1994-99 which was her first role on the EC for IPA. Right after that, from 2000-2002, she served in the Presidential cycle as President Elect, President and Past President. She served on the IPA Ethics Committee from 2008-2022 serving as the Chair from 2009-2011 and most recently has been IPA’s Representative to APA’s Council of Representatives from 2017-2022. During her time as our CoR representative, she was Elections Chair and New Member Mentor for the Caucus of State, Provincial and Territorial Association Representatives as well as Elections Coordinator and Secretary for the Rural Health Caucus.

She served the American Psychological Association in the role of Business of Practice Network Representative to APA from IPA in 2003, was a member of the Continuing Education Committee of the APA from 2006-2008, 2009 serving as its Vice Chair in 2007 and its Chair in 2008. She then served as Chair of the Appeals Committee for the Continuing Education Committee of the APA.

Here are a couple of other things not on her resume that support her being the recipient of this award. Dr. Oakes-Edman has served as a crucial mentor both formally and in ways she may not even realize during her time at IPA. In 1996, during the first year of Dr. Phillips’ membership in IPA, Dr. Oakes Edman was the first IPA Psychologist he met while attending an IPA Spring Conference. He was a Psychology Resident at the time and was fairly confident that he had no idea what he was doing on a day-to-day basis. Over lunch, Dr. Oakes Edman acknowledged and validated his worries, sharing stories of her own anxiety when first starting out as a Psychologist and let him know that he could always reach out to her with questions, triumphs, or worries and she would gladly be “present” with him, writing her phone number down for him on a paper napkin that day. Dr. Phillips kept that napkin for nearly 20 years. Then in 2002 when Dr. Phillips first joined the Executive Council and Dr. Oakes-Edman was serving as Past-President of IPA she, again, acted as a mentor when he was now “positive” that he did not have the skill or experience to be on the council by sharing with him that as long as he was “honest, respectful, and followed the science” he was doing his job on the council. She shared another important lesson that day, telling him that as long as she was in IPA she would tell him when she thought he was doing things well and when she thought he should re-think his position but that either way he always had her respect and support. Over the years Dr. Oakes-Edman has demonstrated this “way of being” in Executive Council meetings, when giving reports on sometimes controversial topics as the APA Representative, and during informal conversations about advances and struggles in the field. She has mentored, supported, and taught so many professionals in Iowa and in the Iowa Psychological Association and is a symbol of the science, mentoring, and interpersonal support that IPA strives for, in so many ways.

Similarly, in 2008, when IPA was experiencing the first financial concern we can recall during our tenure with IPA, Dr. Oakes Edman was there offering support, encouragement, and ideas to the leadership of IPA for how to weather this storm. She wasn’t on Council during that time, however, was in leadership for IPA as well as APA and simply cared about the well being of the association. Then 8 years later in 2016-2017 when IPA was again experiencing financial and other distress, there was Dr. Oakes Edman again, providing support with her calm, graceful demeaner and ideas for solutions from her wise experience. She has been with IPA through the good times and the not so good times without waiver. She has been a mentor formally and more importantly informally with her commitment, dedication, and steady presence in this organization.

We have both been fortunate to come behind Dr. Oakes Edman on her IPA path and have had the unmitigated pleasure and honor to learn from her, to consult with her, to confide in her and to serve beside her. She has demonstrated outstanding service to the Iowa Psychological Association and deserves this award.

Dr. Oakes Edman shared the following remarks in her acceptance:

Dr. Oakes Edman Award AcceptanceThe summer after my junior year in college, I decided I should use my psychology major to become a clinical psychologist. I was 20 years old, and had never met a clinical psychologist.

Despite having a thoroughly inadequate view of what I was signing up for, I was admitted to the University of Notre Dame’s doctoral program, and the six of us newbies started a crash course in all things psychological. 

I was in a hurry to finish, so I graduated as quickly as I could, and found myself in an office with a big chair and a doctorate at the age of 26. I had to stay a far distance from the “secretary’s” desk, or I would certainly be asked to help someone pay their bill or schedule their appointment. Big hair, high heels and shoulder pads can only do so much…

When I started my training, Kubler Ross’s stage theory of grief work was a big hit, and it was clearly unethical for psychologists to solicit clients through anything as crass as advertising. Managing Care was what one expected their provider to do for them; session limits & external reviews were non-existent. We were in charge of our own records and our own practices. For clinicians, private or a small group practice was the norm. 

When I began to practice, Florida was known for being a bit out there – because it was the only state in the Union to allow Social Workers to practice independently, rather than under the supervision of a psychologist. Projective testing techniques were popular, although the MMPI was also, of course, going strong. The Psy.D. degree was 16 years old, but few people had one, and it would be decades before anyone thought that “Counseling” should be its own distinct profession. Psychologists mostly used psychodynamic, behavioral, or eclectic theoretical orientations.

At the time I started to practice, psychology looked (from my vantage point) like a profession filled with middle aged men. Clinical psychology at that time was 77% male and 89% white. As a young female, I felt like I really stuck out. No one talked about ECPs. I had the impression that being an Early Career Psychologist was an affliction I should try to get over as quickly as possible. I worked with all male colleagues for my first years, then, because I REALLY love my husband, I began working in rural parts of Iowa, where I was sometimes the only psychologist in the county.

Two years after I got my doctorate, I moved back to Iowa with my husband and two little boys, and joined IPA. In those days there were two divisions in IPA – the clinical division and the academic one. After a few years, I volunteered to serve as the secretary for the Clinical Division, which was really great, because I’m bad at learning names, and that was a job where twice a year I had an enforced review of everyone’s names, as I tried to document our discussions. 

Here’s how long I’ve been a part of IPA: I am within the first 500 licensed psychologists in the state, and within the first 200 HSPs. You all have walked beside me through using the: DSM 5 TR, DSM 5, DSM IV- TR, DSM IV, DSM III R, all the way back to the DSM III.  And while I wasn’t around for it, in 1995 I moved into a faculty office with a few books, including this treasure:
The DSM II.  It was apparently the first formally published version of the DSM, copyright 1968, sold for $3.50.  This isn’t the desk reference – the whole thing is on 120 small pages.

Dr Lonning holds a pile of Dr Oakes Edman's DSM booksA year or two after I joined IPA, I attended a conference, since  I really needed the continuing education, and as this was around the time we got our first EVER computers in our offices and were being trained on how to use a new thing called “email”, there was no remote CE option. Attending was tricky, though, because I was nursing my baby daughter, and couldn’t be away from her overnight. So I recruited my husband to come along and wrangle three little kids in a hotel room in Des Moines, and deliver my baby to me at the right times so I could nurse her. My plan was to do this while looking not like a young nursing mama, but like a mature, knowledgeable professional in this room full of older men. This was in the days of a very popular TV commercial – everyone watched the same four channels in those days – involving a sexy woman wearing a business suit and high heels singing to striptease-type music “I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never let him forget that he’s a man.” What a message – I can earn the money, do the housework, and still be the sexy little woman upholding my man’s masculine ego. Women were working like crazy to show that we could do it all. Ourselves. Without help.

So, that’s what I was trying to do – look like I could handle everything without missing a beat. Socialize with these other psychologists I was getting to know while enthusiastic preschoolers circled my ankles and my hungry baby screamed. It was a little slice of chaotic for just 2 minutes, and as I got free of my boys and the conversation I was in and turned around to find a place to feed the baby, I was aware of how badly I was failing to bring home that bacon and fry it up in a pan while looking cool and competent. I would have done much better to embrace the fact that I was a young, inexperienced psychologist, and also busy being a Mama. I wish now that I had let those older-than-me men see that I could use some assistance and reassurance. I have every reason to think they would have been helpful and affirming, but that just wasn’t the cultural moment I was living in.

Nonetheless, I have always enjoyed this group. I immediately felt like I had found a professional home here, with other people who were trained like me and did the same type of work as I. So, clearly, I stuck around. I have been an IPA member since 1988. Through those years, I have had the great privilege of getting to know a large proportion of Iowa’s psychologists, so you can trust me when I tell you, those sitting around you are lovely people, who have so been worth getting to know! I knew and was in this organization alongside Phil Laughlin for years, so it is especially meaningful for me to receive an award named in honor of his many, many years of service to IPA. 

I am retiring in two weeks from Northwestern College, where I have worked for the past 20 years. I will find ways to continue to work, but in a more flexible fashion. I have been tied to the academic year schedule since the fall I turned 5, and I am ready to do something radical, like take a trip – in October! 

The work we do is important. Doing it as well as we possibly can is important, and I have been able to do it well, in part, because of what you have taught me, the ways this group has challenged me, and the support and friendship you have given me. I have been privileged to serve IPA, and am confident that my service to IPA pales in comparison to what IPA has given me.

Thank you very much – this award means a lot to me!
–Sally Oakes Edman, Ph.D.

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Diversity Leadership Award
Dr. Joy Goins-Fernandez was presented with the Diversity Leadership Award. Dr. Nicole Holmberg shared the nomination letter submitted by Drs. Holmberg, Keedy, Poeppe, Fetter, and Keffala:

It is our great pleasure to submit this letter nominating Dr. Joy Goins-Fernandez for IPA’s Diversity Leadership Award. Dr. Goins-Fernandez has been a member of IPA since 2016, and she has been steadfast in her dedication to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in our organization and beyond. We know her well, having worked closely with her in IPA leadership for many years. 

photo of Drs. Holmberg and Goins-Fernandez after presentation of the Diversity Leadership AwardUpon joining IPA, Dr. Goins-Fernandez quickly got involved in leadership. She was instrumental in the development of our Diversity and Social Justice Committee (DJSC) in 2016. She chaired or co-chaired the committee until April of 2022. Under her leadership, the DJSC’s membership increased by more than 100%, and she welcomed many student IPA members to the committee. Dr. Goins-Fernandez’s leadership style is collaborative and empowering. In her role as DSJC chair, she regularly invited and encouraged contributions from committee members. By sharing her vision and setting clear expectations, she empowered others to do their part to promote EDI efforts within IPA. She successfully argued for a clause in all speaker contracts requiring presenters to discuss EDI aspects of their topics; this initiative was approved by our Executive Council. Dr. Goins-Fernandez was a key voice in creating and updating our Social Justice Policy that delineates procedures for how IPA addresses social justice issues and in adding a statement to our website that communicates the association’s commitment to EDI. Other than our Membership Committee, no other committee engages our members more frequently. The DSJC provides members with educational content, including formal continuing education training events and informal postings to our E-list. Dr. Goins-Fernandez has organized multiple presentations by experts in the field including Dr. Melba Vasquez (cultural competence and ethics), Dr. Sherry Wang (combating anti-Asian hate), Dr. Erin Alexander (racial reconciliation), and Dr. Erin Andrews (disability awareness and ethics). She and the DSJC created a Graduate Student Diversity and Social Justice Award to recognize IPA student members for community-based social justice projects. She also started the DSJ Book and Film Club, in which IPA members read books or watch films on EDI topics. Some of the books discussed have included “How to be an Anti-Racist” by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, “Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning” by Cathy Park Hong, and “Sissy: A Coming of Gender Story” by Jacob Tobia; film titles include “13th” and “Katrina Babies.”  

Dr. Goins-Fernandez also advocated for IPA to add a Diversity Liaison to our Executive Council (EC) and was the first person elected to that position. She presented the idea to our membership in a townhall and answered questions about the utility of creating this position. After this townhall, IPA members voted to approve the adoption of this new EC role. As Diversity Liaison, she advises our EC and Program Planning Committee on ensuring that our association’s policies and programming promote EDI. She has served as a Diversity Delegate to APA’s Practice Leadership Conference (PLC) from 2019-2022. Her PLC experiences have enhanced her work as Diversity Liaison. For instance, she has arranged for colleagues she met at PLC to present on EDI topics for IPA members, including Dr. Talee Vang’s talk on implicit bias and Dr. Lauren Chapple-Love’s talk on competencies for working with LGBTQ-identified clients. 

Dr. Goins-Fernandez is an active participant in our EC meetings. As one of two people of color on our EC, she has demonstrated grace and generosity in helping her white colleagues recognize our racial bias. She is well aware of the need for increased diverse representation in our organization and in our leadership, and her efforts with the DSJC have assisted in broadening and diversifying recruitment and retention efforts for IPA. She has stated on multiple occasions that, despite the challenges she has faced, she will persist in her EDI efforts for our organization. She carries a heavy and crucial burden, and her constant dedication to EDI work is both admirable and central to the leadership and growth of our association.

While generously giving her time and energy to IPA, Dr. Goins-Fernandez has concurrently demonstrated unbelievable ambition in promoting EDI in the largest medical center in Iowa, the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC). There she currently serves as Clinical Assistant Professor and Vice Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the Stead Family Department of Pediatrics. Her Department’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Book Drive raised over $7000 to purchase books for the UIHC libraries that combat racism through family education. She also created the Black Faculty Council within the Carver College of Medicine at the University of Iowa, to promote access to equitable healthcare. This Council advocates for policy changes and provides community outreach to reduce disparities in healthcare for Iowans. Further, Dr. Goins-Fernandez dedicated her time to speaking in an educational video for UIHC for the purpose of reducing vaccine hesitancy among Black Americans. Dr. Goins-Fernandez’s efforts to promote EDI extend beyond IPA and Iowa. She was invited by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards to serve on the EPPP item review board to promote equitable testing for future psychologists. Her service in this role has served as a point of education to our membership regarding the importance of anti-racism in standardized testing. 

Dr. Goins-Fernandez Acceptance SpeechDr. Goins-Fernandez has made a significant impact on IPA, and our organization is better and stronger for it. There is no doubt that she has helped Iowa psychologists provide more effective and safer care to Iowans who have experiences and identities that differ from their own by spearheading programming to expand their multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills. It is for these reasons and more that I believe she is deserving of IPA’s Diversity Leadership award.

Dr. Goins-Fernandez shared her remarks extemporaneously at the conference.
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DSJ Diversity Graduate Student Award
Angelica Castro Bueno was the recipient of the DSJ Diversity Graduate Student Award. She was nominated by Dr. Joy Goins-Fernandez with the following:

It is my honor to award Angelica Castro Bueno with the first ever Diversity and Social Justice Committee Diversity Graduate Student Award.

Angelica is a fourth-year counseling psychology graduate student at Iowa State University. In her four years at Iowa State, she has contributed outstanding diversity efforts.

Angelica’s academic research centers on undocumented Latinx communities in the United States. Her thesis investigated the lived stigma experiences of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients. Her dissertation involves interviewing mental health practitioners who have worked with DACA recipients to gain insights into how to provide effective culturally tailored therapy.

Angelica has also engaged in advocacy through organizational involvement. She is an executive board member and current co-president of the Graduate Students in Counseling Psychology (GSCP) group. She is also involved with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and Student Counseling Services (SCS). At SAS, she helps students access accommodations, develop self-advocacy skills, and better understand their rights and responsibilities as students with disabilities. She also provides one-on-one Executive Function Coaching for neurodivergent students.

Angelica is also a student member on the Diversity and Social Justice Committee of IPA. She has been a member of this committee since December 2020 and recently became the liaison between the DSJ and IPA’s Membership Committee. She has helped create a more inclusive environment for Iowa psychologists by planning DEI trainings, increasing awareness for cultural and religious traditions, and fostering a culture of support within the organization. Recently, she contributed to a “Disability as Diversity 101” training the DSJ committee provided to educate members about considerations for disabled clients in our therapeutic work.

In her nomination letter, Angelica mentioned that as a person of color, these past four years have been incredibly challenging and rewarding. Before she could advocate for others, she had to learn how to advocate for herself. As a DACA recipient, staying silent was always the safest option, but through this work, she learned that she could make a difference, She indicated, and I quote, “my voice has value, and that I am responsible for creating the change I want to see.”

Angelica was unable to receive her award in person, but shared these remarks with us:

Presidential Update Spring 2023

Nic Holmberg

Presidential Update Spring 2023

Nic Holmberg

Isn’t it strange how time can be perceived as crawling at a snail’s pace or flying by at lightspeed? Somehow, it is the end of March already and spring is right around the corner—I mean, I hope it is…but it’s the Midwest, so you never can tell…

Another strange thing: I’m writing my first President’s Update in my fourth year as a licensed psychologist. When I joined IPA in 2019, I had just moved to Iowa after completing my postdoc at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center in Houston. I was new to Iowa, new to independent licensure, and new to group practice. Just a few months later, the pandemic started and, well, that was more newness. When I joined IPA, I imagined I would run for President Elect maybe eight or 10 years down the line—you know, after I was comfy and firmly established in my career, had acquired a decent amount of IPA institutional knowledge, and was more familiar with Iowa. But in the summer of 2021, I was asked about my interest in running for IPA President Elect. The call to run came early. Really early.

I remember feeling flattered and intrigued but mostly overwhelmed and underprepared. I mean, I hadn’t even been a member for two full years at that point–how could I possibly run for election to join the Presidential Triad?! But the need for someone to run was there. I had long conversations with the Triad at the time (Drs. Benge Tallman, Valerie Keffala, and Nicole Keedy). I asked a lot of questions about IPA, its history and culture, and its leadership. It seemed to me that IPA had been shifting toward a more collaborative, servant leadership model. That appealed to me. I was further assured that there would be plenty of onboarding support, and the primary purpose of the President Elect year was to learn about and assist in
leading the organization. 

I reflected on my values, and service is one of them. If I were elected, I could serve an organization that had provided me with countless invaluable benefits as an early career psychologist and a new Iowan. IPA helped orient me to professional practice in Iowa, provided me with a professional community, referral sources, and advocated for me on my behalf regarding many issues such as telehealth, reimbursement, and maintaining the highest standards for test data and test instrument security. Long story longer, I agreed to run, and here I am writing this update.

I’m pleased to report many good things have been happening in this first quarter of 2023. Our operating budget has been bolstered by a $10,000 Small State Grant from APA to support the salary of our Executive Director, as well as by the Iowa Psychological Foundation to support the salary of our Director of Professional Affairs. I’m grateful to APA and IPF for their contributions. The Program Planning Committee has been planning a new and different type of event for the Spring Conference (April 28-29, 2023). This year, the focus is on improving provider wellness and decreasing burnout. Please see this blog post for more information on this exciting event. There are some other excellent continuing education opportunities later this year, too. The Trust Ethics workshop is scheduled for June 9, 2023 and the topic for the Fall Conference on October 6, 2023 is therapeutic assessment with IPA’s own Dr. Krista Brittain.

There have also been some significant changes in IPA leadership this year. Dr. Sally Oakes Edman retired from the Executive Council (EC) after 22 years(!) of service. Most recently, Dr. Oakes Edman had been serving as our delegate to APA’s Council of Representatives (CoR) for the last six years. Dr. Paul Ascheman, who previously served IPA as State Advocacy Coordinator (SAC) for many years, was elected to take Dr. Oakes Edman’s place on the CoR. Unfortunately, no one was elected to the 2023 SAC position, so Dr. Ascheman has generously been doing his best to ensure the essential duties associated with that role are fulfilled with the help of others on the Advocacy Team. Additionally, our Student Division Representative, Eric Field, proposed a new position to the EC: Student Division Representative Elect. This position will help facilitate succession in student representation on EC, as well as help orient and onboard the student to the workings of the EC and responsibilities of the role. Our current Student Division Representative Elect is Ashley Banta.

And now a note of appreciation: Prior to attending EC meetings as co-chair of the Diversity and Social Justice committee, I didn’t understand what it takes for associations like IPA to function. Now that I know, my gratitude for my fellow leaders, as well as the leaders who came before me, is immense. Thank you for your service and your support as I was brought into the fold. I am also grateful for our members. It is my honor and privilege to serve you as IPA President this year. I am excited for what lies ahead for IPA this year. Here’s to a wonderful spring!

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Burnout Recovery and Prevention at the Spring Conference

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Burnout Recovery and Prevention at the Spring Conference

Nic HolmbergThis story begins in Iowa in the spring of 2021. I had white knuckled my way through the darkest days of the pandemic, doing my best to hold space for and support my clients’ fears, frustrations, anger, and depression while also navigating my own fears, frustrations, anger, and depression. My schedule was booked solid 11 weeks out, which felt suffocating. Many of my clients seemed to be just treading water, which left me feeling ineffective. My mind wandered during sessions. I procrastinated writing my session notes, and they piled up such that there was a mountain of them to do on the weekend. I was easily annoyed by, well, basically everything. I was completely exhausted when I got home at the end of the day. I had no emotional energy for my spouse and family members. I started to dread going to work. I had all the signs of burnout. This worried me because I was less than two years into my career. I was afraid that the career I had been working toward for many years was going to leave me feeling miserable. Something had to change; my future in this profession depended on it.

I reflected on my behavior. There was no question that I had overextended myself. In effort to help as many people as possible during a crisis, my caseload had grown too large. I had agreed to take on too many clients with concerns that were at the edge of my scope of practice. I was stuck in a pattern of people-pleasing that was harming my well-being. I had to start saying no. I had to start taking care of myself so I could better help my clients and be a better human to my loved ones. In service of this, I tried a few new things at work. I stopped doing intakes. When a client cancelled, I started blocking that time rather than filling it from someone from my waitlist. I looked a few months out in my schedule and decreased the number of clients I would see in a week. I got dictation software to expedite my note writing. When I eventually resumed doing intakes, I was more selective in the clients I chose to bring on board. I referred folks with whom I would not be able to do my best work to other providers who would be a better fit.

Slowly, very slowly, things started to feel a little better at work, but I still felt emotionally drained at the end of the day. That was the case for much of 2022. I found myself thinking that I needed a retreat. I needed some time to just slow down, be quite, and reflect. In looking for retreats, I stumbled upon information for a retreat that one of the mental health professional associations in Arizona (I think it was) was holding for its members. I thought this was a fabulous idea—I doubted I was the only mental health provider in Iowa who had been feeling this way. I brought the idea to the Triad and Program Planning Committee. It was well-received by all and the plan for the 2023 Spring Conference was launched.

The theme for the 2023 Spring Conference (April 28-29th) is Taking Care of Us. The goal is to provide IPA members and other Iowa mental health providers an opportunity to rest and recharge while also learning how they can care for themselves to make their professional practices are sustainable. The conference will include didactic and experiential learning so attendees will not only earn CEs, but also actually practice new skills that promote wellbeing and burnout recovery and prevention.

Friday, April 28th, will feature Dr. Fadel Zeidan’s talk, “The Neuroscience of Mindfulness-Based Meditation: A Day of Practice and Science.” He will provide instruction on a variety evidence-based mindfulness practices, as well as the science behind how mindfulness impacts the brain and body. Dr. Zeidan is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at UC San Diego. He currently serves on the Mind and Life Institute Steering Council, the UCSD T. Denny Sanford Institute for Empathy and Compassion Executive Council and the Neuroscience Director at the UCSD Center for Psychedelic Research.

Saturday, April 29th, will feature Dr. Jenna LeJeune’s presentation of “Values, Burnout, and Finding Work-Life Integrity.” She will take an ACT-based approach to examining how reconnecting with our personal values can support burnout recovery and prevention and promote a relationship between our work lives and personal lives that is healthy and sustainable. Dr. LeJeune is president and co-founder of Portland Psychotherapy Clinic, Research and Training Center in Portland, Oregon. She is a peer-reviewed ACT trainer and first author of the book Values in Therapy: A Clinician’s Guide to Helping Clients Explore Values, Increase Psychological Flexibility, and Live a More Meaningful Life.

To support a “self-care retreat” vibe, we wanted to provide attendees opportunities to be outside in nature and chose to hold the conference at the Honey Creek Resort on Rathbun Lake in Moravia, Iowa late in April (to increase likelihood of better weather). We have 30-minute self-directed movement breaks scheduled in the afternoons. A brief guided chair yoga session will be held on Friday right before lunch, and a 30-minute gentle guided floor yoga session will be held on Saturday morning before the day’s presentation. Please bring a yoga mat or a towel if you’d like to participate in Saturday’s practice. Lunch on Friday is free of any other programming to allow time to reconnect with friends and colleagues. To further promote a relaxed atmosphere, we encourage attendees to dress in athleisure or activewear or whatever feels most comfortable to them.

I recently came upon this article by Salyers et al. (2011). It describes a one-day (6-hour) intervention for burnout among mental health providers that was associated with significant decreases in emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, as well as improved views of clients at follow up six weeks later. The intervention featured didactic and experiential learning activities on contemplative practices, body practices, and values clarification. I’m thrilled that these aspects will be a part of our Spring Conference. My sincere hope is that attendees will find the Spring Conference to be a restorative experience and that they will leave with new information and skills they can use to promote wellbeing in their lives, as well as in of those they treat and care about. I look forward to seeing you there!

Links to register for either or both days of the conference here. The discounted room rate is good through March 28th, so don’t wait to make your reservation!

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