Spotlight on Graduate Students
by: Eric R. Field, M.Ed
Since the restarting of the School Psychology graduate program at University of Iowa in Fall 2020, a portion of the first cohort got involved with IPA. Our first spotlight on graduate student members includes Vanessa Chahin, Eric Field, and Gennifer Humphreys, who are all entering their second year in the new program.
What made you want to join IPA?
VC: I wanted to join IPA to connect with professional school psychologists in this state. I also wanted to gain access to presentations and convention/conference materials.
EF: I have been a member of APA Division 16 (School Psychology) for two years and was not aware we had an active state organization. I was one of the first students to go through the Sponsored Student program, which is a great deal, and I still plan to be active after my year in the program has ended.
GH: I joined to get connected with professionals working in the field.
What have you enjoyed so far about IPA?
VC: I enjoy the resources I’ve gotten to access to by attending the IPA 2021 Spring Conference.
EF: I had a great Zoom meeting with my mentor, Stewart Ehly, I’m also active on the Membership Committee and enjoy working on the projects to help build recruitment and retention for graduate students.
GH: I enjoy the book club meetings that they have.
What would you like to see from IPA in the future?
VC: More free access to monthly presentations.
EF: More social opportunities with other graduate students.
GH: Options for the graduate students to be active in selecting a match for their mentors.

Vanessa Chahin