Letters from the Membership Committee
by Nicole Keedy, PhD, Alissa Doobay, PhD
The following letter was sent to in-state and out-of-state licensees who have been licensed since September 1, 2021. We’re publishing here to remind everyone of the great benefits included in your membership. Also, you can share this blog post with anyone you know who you think should consider membership in IPA! A huge thank you to the Membership Committee (co-chaired by Dr. Nicole Keedy and Dr. Alissa Doobay) with a special thank you to Dr. Jody Jones for constructing and updating our recruitment letters to keep IPA thriving.
Congratulations on obtaining licensure in Iowa! We are glad you are serving Iowans, and we would like to invite you to join the Iowa Psychological Association (IPA).
Your membership in IPA will benefit you in many ways, including:
Continuing education at discounted rates
- Spring and Fall Conferences: IPA sponsors top-quality spring and fall conferences each year in the state of Iowa, including a day with Dr. Russell Kolts on Friday, October 7 in West Des Moines. Members will pay a reduced rate to attend and learn about compassion-focused therapy from one of the nation’s experts on the topic. You may find information about this and other upcoming events at https://iowapsychology.org/upcoming-events.
- Virtual CEs and recorded events:
- IPA members receive four (4) free CEsannually for recorded events available on our website
- We also offer multiple virtual CE events at discounted member rates. Upcoming topics include:
- Ethics, diversity, and the role of psychology in working with people who have disabilities
- Iowa’s legislative process
- Ethics CEs: Every other June, IPA offers 6 hours of continuing education in ethics. This is important for you because 6 hours of ethics training are required for each licensure renewal cycle. We’ve got you covered!
- CE tracker: Avoid the last-minute scramble to find certificates of your CE credits at license renewal time! Our convenient CE tracker will keep them organized for you.
Advocacy and Representation
The IPA Advocacy Team monitors and addresses state and federal issues affecting the profession of psychology. That team includes our State Advocacy Coordinator, Federal Advocacy Coordinator, Director of Professional Affairs, Training Director, Lobbyist, and others interested advocating for psychologists. The IPA Advocacy Team provides:
- Legislative influence to protect and enhance the profession
- A voice in Congress when IPA leadership meets with members of Iowa’s Senate and the House of Representatives
- Participation in our annual Legislative Day
- Representation in APA (American Psychological Association) governance
Recent Advocacy Team successes include:
- the creation and passing of a bill that allows predoctoral interns to become provisionally licensed and able to bill through their supervisors;
- successful opposition of a bill, HF 2386, that would have allowed attorneys in civil cases full access to all psychological testing materials and data;
- the creation and funding of a new loan repayment program for non-prescribing mental health professionals, including psychologists, to address IPA’s calls for improved recruitment and retention of psychologists in Iowa; and
- organized Hill visits in July for IPA/APA members by our Federal Advocacy Coordinator (FAC) to attend during the APA Federal Summit on Addressing the Impact of Climate Change and Health Equity.
IPA is pleased to keep you informed about these statewide issues; in addition, IPA’s Federal Advocacy Coordinator provides regular communication regarding federal action alerts that could impact your work.
Connections, Networking, and a Professional Home
Through IPA, you will make connections with professionals in the field across the state. In addition to the in-person relationship building you will gain through participation in conferences and other CE events, IPA provides:
- Job postings: You can post job openings on the website for free as an IPA member.
- IPA E-list: The E-list is a forum that allows members to share and discuss ideas, request informal consultation, and make referrals with colleagues across the state.
- Facebook: IPA members who are Facebook users can join our closed Facebook group where we have more social interaction.
- The IPA Blog provides opportunities for members to learn more about IPA, psychology in Iowa, and their colleagues with regular blog posts on a variety of engaging topics! Check it out: https://iowapsychology.org/blog
- Legislative actions and updates: You can receive first-hand information regarding legislative issues and action alerts, and you have access to the legislative advocacy team and lobbyists.
Professional Growth
Members have numerous opportunities for leadership positions within IPA, in addition to gaining access to communication tools and the wisdom of the professional community. Increasing collaboration in the psychology community has been made available with opportunities for student mentoring.
Affordable Rates
IPA’s membership dues are low compared to the rates of other professional organizations, and with membership you gain the discounts for continuing education mentioned above.
- Full membership dues are currently $350—but we offer a discounted rate for new members of $200 the first year.
- If you received your degree in the last 3 years, you qualify for our Early Career Psychologist discounted rate – $0 the first year, $150 the second year, and $250 the third year.
- Psychologists in academic, non-clinical positions qualify for a discounted rate of $150.
In addition, if you join before December 31, 2022 your membership extends through all of 2023, meaning you will not renew your dues until February 2024!
Go to www.iowapsychology.org and click on “Join IPA Today.”
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