IPA’s Fresh Look!
by Dr. Jenna Paternostro
In August 2023, the IPA Executive Council approved an exciting initiative to refresh IPA’s logo, branding, and website. The Marketing Consultant Workgroup began regular meetings and issued a Request for Proposal to find marketing services focused on enhancing branding and revamping the website. The project was divided into two phases: 1) redesigning the IPA logo and branding, and 2) revamping the IPA website. The workgroup envisioned the new branding to reflect IPA’s commitment to serving the mental health needs of Iowans, supporting Iowa psychologists, building networks and communities, and advocating for better mental health access and services.
For the first phase, IPA partnered with Super Wink Studio, a branding and editorial design firm. Throughout this phase of the project, the marketing workgroup, along with IPA’s presidential triad, collaborated closely with Super Wink to develop the new IPA Logo and branding materials. You can view the Brand Reveal Slides shared at the IPA Spring Conference Business Meeting here. Notably, the bold color palette represents Iowa’s landscape – land, water, sky. The circular shapes symbolize the overlap in IPA’s mission, networking and connection between Iowa Psychologists, and community foundation of IPA. This phase also included updating branding and marketing materials to solidify IPA’s status as the go-to psychology experts in Iowa.
The second phase focused on redesigning IPA’s website. IPA partnered with Jeremy Swanston Graphic Design to modernize our website and to reflect the incredible work being done through our organization. Additionally, our goal was to improve overall user experience and communication with the public.
Significant thought, dedication, and time went into this project to ensure that IPA’s branding and website align with our mission to promote the science and practice of psychology for the benefit of all Iowans. Special thanks go to all who were involved in Marketing Consulting Workgroup: Angelica Castro Bueno, Alissa Doobay, Sarah Fetter, and Suzanne Hull; the Presidential Triad: Nic Holmberg, David Beeman, Isaac Hooley; and additional support from Katie Kopp, Ashley Freeman, Benje Tallman, Nicole Keedy, and IPA’s Executive Council.
We hope you enjoy IPA’s new logo and website!
Thank you,
Jenna Paternostro
Chair, Marketing Consultant Workgroup
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