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RXPP 6220: Treatment of Unipolar Depressive & Personality Disorders
13.5 Hours
Online via NMSU
RXPP 6220: Treatment of Unipolar Depressive & Personality Disorders
Credit Hours
13.5 CEUs (Provided by NMSU, Sponsored by APA) NMSU is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NMSU maintains responsibility for the program and its content.
Date & Time
Leigh Anne Ford, Ph.D., MSCP
Alan von Kleiss, Ph.D, MSCP
$300: IPA Member
$200: IPA Lifetime Member
$200: IPA ECP Member
$130: IPA Retired Member
$0: IPA Student Member
$450: Non-Member
About this Workshop
In this RXPP 604 class we continue our study of clinical psychopharmacology through the study of the treatment of an array of Mood Disorders and potentially co-occurring Personality Disorders. On Day 1, the diagnosis and treatment of unipolar affective disorders, and their biological and non-biological treatments are studied in depth. The biochemical mechanisms underlying the pharmacological efficacy of the antidepressants with types of depression are reviewed. Evidence based pharmacotherapy is presented, including classic large-scale clinical trials and more recent meta analyses. Treatment refractory depression, and depression variants are reviewed, e.g. agitated depression, abulia. On Day 2, further refinement of Treatment-Refractory Depression evaluation and treatment strategies are presented, including advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing as an aid in medication selection. The co-occurrence of Personality Disorders may contribute to Treatment Refractory Depression, as does inflammation related to obesity. Additionally, the best available evidence for psychopharmacologic treatment of Borderline and other Personality Disorders is outlined. Here, potential medication treatment targets such as impulsivity, aggression, withdrawal, transient psychotic symptoms, and refractory affective instability is discussed.
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
- Identify the etiology and symptomatology of at least four depressive disorders.
- Review three basic concepts of pharmacokinetics and three aspects of pharmacodynamics
- Recite two mechanism of action (MOA) for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and at least one MOAs for norepinephrine/dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs)
- Contrast one feature between presynaptic vs. postsynaptic actions related to the mechanisms of drugs used in the treatment of mood disorders. 3
- List three components of the “Psychobiosocial” Model. Then demonstrate it for use in at least one case vignette.
- Summarize at least three findings regarding evidence-based research about monotherapy (psychotherapy vs psychopharmacological interventions) and combined modalities in the treatment across the spectrum of unipolar depressive disorders.
- Sequence at least two medication management strategies one with drug augmentation, titration, drug class switching, and therapeutic drug monitoring the treatment of depression.
- Classify three common side effect profiles associated with pharmacotherapy for depressive disorders.
- Examine three possible serious adverse drug reactions associated with pharmacotherapy for depressive disorders.
- Use at least one clinical reference tool (e.g. Epocrates) to identify possible drug-drug interactions associated with pharmacotherapy for depressive disorders.
- Prioritize the relevance of three or more diagnostic lab studies associated with pharmacotherapy for depressive disorders across the lifespan.
- Interpret one Black Box warnings associated with the prescription of antidepressant medications.
- Identify four or more precautions with special populations; specifically children and adolescents, elderly, child bearing or lactating women, and those with genetic polymorphisms.
- Demonstrate at least two skills in assessing the cost/benefit ratio associated with psychotropic use with individual patients with depression.
- Learn two strategies of when and how to taper and discontinue psychotropic medication for the treatment of depressive disorders.
- Name at least three herbal preparations and/or holistic strategies for the treatment of depression, and their risks and benefit.
- Be able to monitor progress with at least two brief screening tools in the treatment of depression.
- Classify at least four alternate etiologies of depression and Treatment-Resistant Depression; including but not limited to the role of personality disorders, inflammation, neuroendocrinology, nutritional factors (e.g. low acetyl-l-carnitine, blood sugar, and vitamin D), insulin resistance, and other medical issues.
- Describe at least three mechanisms by which genetic polymorphisms play a role in the pharmacotherapy of Treatment-Resistant Depression; including the identification of serotonin transporter genes, MTHFR, and CYP450 hepatic enzymes which may result in either reduced antidepressant efficacy or increased side effects.
- Discuss how the interaction of two pathophysiological processes (inflammatory and obesity) can potentially reduce the effectiveness of antidepressant medications, in the adjunctive treatment of personality disorders.
- Using at least two case vignettes, compare and contrast at least three clinical features of Personality Disorders with co-occurring or comorbid Mood Disorders.
- Identify three adjunctive psychopharmacologic agents in the treatment of Personality Disorders; prioritize for safety.
Course Materials and Continuing Education
NMSU will email registrants course materials, and a link to join the live training two business days before the training.
Upon completion of the training, NMSU will email registrants the training evaluation. Upon completion of the training evaluation, the NMSU will email the registrant the CE certificate.
Refund and Cancellation Policy
We understand, sometimes things come up!
IPA will offer a full refund to registrants who cancel their registration 7 days prior to an event/course. If a registrant would like to cancel their registration within 7 days of the event, no refund will be offered.
Contact: Suzanne Hull, ipa@iowapsychology.org