The recent shootings in Uvalde and Buffalo, along with Thursday’s shooting at Cornerstone Church in Ames, IA, leave us all struggling to cope with the violence that impacts our community. These tragic events only serve to exacerbate the effects of the ongoing pandemic and the war in Ukraine. For more details on Thursday’s shooting in Ames, IA, please reference this CNN article.
If you are seeking resources to assist clients, parents, educators, and community members who are attempting to make sense of these recent events, please refer to the Google Doc sent out via the IPA listserv last week following the Uvalde shooting. A few resources have been added including general resources for providers. The list is also pasted below.
If you need additional support or assistance, please feel free to backchannel me here.
General Resources

Resources for Coping After a Mass Shooting

General Resources for Coping After a Mass Shooting

Resources for Parents and Teachers

Resources for Providers

Ashley Freeman, Ph.D.
Disaster Response Committee Chair