IPA Service: Get a Great Return on Your Investment
Advocacy, DSJ, ECP, Ethics, Member Benefits, Membership, RxP
The Membership Committee strives to increase member participation in activities that promote the IPA mission and Strategic Plan. A primary Membership Committee objective is to assist IPA’s standing committees in reaching their desired capacities. Over the past year, our Finance, Psychopharmacology, and Diversity and Social Justice committees have benefitted from the participation of some of the newest IPA members, including student members. This effort has been greatly appreciated. Meanwhile, the majority of IPA committees continue to seek members.
The success of IPA requires each of us to consider how we can best contribute to the association. Prior to serving initially as Co-Chair of the Membership Committee and now, additionally, as President-Elect of IPA, I recall declining repeated requests to increase participation in the association, explaining that my time was too limited. Upon reflection, however, I recognized that IPA only functions as an association due to the volunteerism of a number of dedicated members who ensure that we are able to successfully organize and advocate for the profession of psychology and the well-being of the Iowans we serve.
Over the past two years, I have witnessed our leaders, committee chairs, and committee members – people with busy schedules and family lives – offer countless hours to support the organization. I have also witnessed several leaders reach a point at which they reduced their responsibility after many years of significant time committed to the organization, feeling an appropriate desire to pass the torch, so to speak. As a result, we continuously need new people to commit to serving IPA, both to decrease the workload for each person serving IPA and to facilitate sustainable participation in leadership.
Serving in IPA committees and leadership is immensely rewarding, offering the chance to understand the functioning of the organization as well as the overarching strategy and mission. Our ambitious mission is accomplished through the hard work and devotion of the volunteers who lead this organization.
I have learned about leadership and advocacy from highly effective members of our Executive Council (EC). When I agreed to run for the position of President-Elect in the summer of 2020, I was willing but less than confident in my ability to step into this leadership role. As time has passed, I have had the opportunity to observe and learn from IPA’s strong council members, and I have witnessed a reassuring and steadfast level of support between members of EC that ensures collaboration for all major decisions.
I have greatly appreciated the connection I share with many outstanding psychologists across the state, whom I now consider friends. As we have collectively traversed the changes associated with a pandemic, a number of IPA members have offered thoughtfulness and compassion that reflect the unique level of understanding that people in our field have to offer. I have been incredibly grateful for my connection to these IPA members, especially over this tumultuous year.
The primary aim of this blog post is to encourage each of us to consider how we may help IPA serve its mission. Members may contribute in a number of ways and I hope you will consider your ability to offer one or more of the following:
- Mentor a student
- Write a blog post
- Contact a committee chair to provide ancillary support (writing and editing documents, writing a diversity spotlight, etc.)
- Join a committee – student committee members are welcome!
- Prepare to run for a position on the Executive Council
Below is a list of the standing committees for IPA, with their desired capacities and strategic plan goals. Please consider joining a committee or contacting committee chairs to ask about supportive assistance you may be able to provide without regularly attending the meetings. Committees that have met capacity are likely to welcome more members. At the same time, all committees have important and meaningful goals that support the IPA mission. Members interested in joining Executive Council (EC) may contact any EC member, including myself, to learn more about the EC roles. You may also find information on our website about our committees (www.iowapsychology.org/committees) and Executive Council (www.iowapsychology.org/governance).
Disaster Relief – Recently established committee welcoming new members
Chair: Ashley Freeman, Ph.D.
Strategic plan pending
Diversity and Social Justice – Desired capacity met
Co-chairs: Joyce Goins-Fernandez, Ph.D., Nicole Holmberg, Ph.D.
Strategic plan goals:
1. Increase psychologists’ cultural competence via educational opportunities
2. Increase members awareness of and involvement in diversity and social justice issues
3. Foster an inclusive and welcoming environment
4. Promote advocacy regarding diversity and social justice issues
Early Career Psychologists – Needs 2+ members (Time commitment: 1-2 hours per month)
Chair: Maggie Doyle. Psy.D.
Strategic plan goals:
1. Enhance Connection Between ECPs
2. Support the professional development of ECPs
Ethics – Needs 3+ members (Time commitment: 1 hour per month)
Chair: Marla Shapiro, Ph.D.
Strategic plan pending
Finance – Needs 1+ members (Time commitment: 1-2 hours per month)
Chair: Jennifer Kauder, Ph.D.
Strategic plan goals:
1. Ensure the fiscal accountability and stability of the association
2. FC promotes, researches, and explores opportunities for financial growth for IPA
Membership – Needs 1+ members (Time commitment for committee members is 1-3 hours per month and for ancillary members is 1-5 hours per year)
Co-Chairs: Alissa Doobay, Ph.D., Nicole Keedy, Ph.D.
Strategic plan goals:
1. Enhancing Connection Between Members
2. Recruiting New Members
3. Retaining Members
Psychopharmacology – Desired capacity met
Chair: Elizabeth Lonning, Psy.D., MSCP
Strategic plan goal:
1. To promote the training of advanced trained psychologists for prescriptive authority in Iowa.
Public Education – Needs 3+ members (Time commitment: 1-5 hours per month)
Co-Chairs: Amanda Johnson, Ph.D., Warren Phillips, Ph.D
Strategic plan goals:
1. Destigmatize Mental Health Issues and Seeking Help for Mental Health Issues
2. Increase accessibility of scientifically based information on psychology and mental health issues
3. Increase awareness of how and where to access affordable and diverse and inclusive mental health services in Iowa for the public
4. Increase understanding of the value of Psychology and Mental Health services (both from a quality of life and financial perspective)
Strategic Planning Committee – Desired capacity met
Chair: Benge Tallman, Ph.D.
Strategic plan goals:
1. Provide oversite of the strategic planning initiatives using SP Worksheet
2. Ensure development, maintenance, and reevaluation of the Strategic Plan and IPA Policies and Procedures
Program Planning Committee – Desired capacity met
Chair: Nicole Keedy, Ph.D.
Strategic plan goals:
1. Provide quality training and programming for IPA membership
2. Ensure completion of essential administrative tasks for events
3. Community building and networking through continuing education opportunities
4. Motivating member participation in IPA events
WEB (Website, E-Communications, and Blog) – Needs 2+ Members (Time commitment: 1 hour per month)
Co-Chairs: Suzanne Hull, Executive Director; Katie Kopp, Ph.D.
Strategic plan goals:
1. Community building online (E-List, Facebook Private Group and Blog)
2. Awareness and dissemination of information to members
3. Website maintenance, updates, and oversight
I encourage you to consider joining efforts with your fellow IPA member volunteers by contacting a committee chair or EC member and enjoying the rewards of increased connection with other amazing Iowa psychologists, psychology associates, and students. Member contact information is available through the member directory when you log in to the website (www.iowasychology.org). I am also more than happy to connect you with a committee chair or EC member if desired.
Last year, the Membership Committee began rewarding committee participation with two prize drawings at the end the year, and we hope to continue this tradition every year. If you joined an IPA committee or leadership position in 2021 or if you take a new role by the end of 2021, please send me an email (nmhoch@gmail.com) and I will place your name in a drawing for one of the coveted IPA pint glasses or up to 6 free CEs from our pool of online training. Individuals who were already serving and have maintained their participation in these roles will be entered in a separate drawing for the same prize options.
On behalf of the IPA Membership Committee, we send enormous gratitude to our outstanding group of leaders and committee members who have devoted time and energy to IPA, and we sincerely hope to continue adding new names to the list!